As I am sitting here on my computer in my dorm room, I can honestly say I did not plan on writing this post. Call it inspiration, or deep reflection, I felt I needed to vocalize this message.
In 30 years, this will be the golden age of my life. I will look back on these years with longing, as they are the most fun and eventful times one can have. Yet, I look back on my college experience right now and feel...inadequacy. Don't get me wrong, I have loved every moment I have spent on this campus, but I just think I have missed out on so much. I should have gone to that baseball game, I should have waited to do that paper on a different night, I should have made more time for fun. Being a great student is one thing, but honestly, I am not going to remember shit about that night I studied for microbiology or the night I wrote a paper on architecture. What I am going to remember are the nights I spent with friends, the laughs I shared, and all of the good times. I'm going to remember the stories, the adventures, the self-discovery associated with every day in college.
Every day is just a moment in time. Once that moment is gone, you can never get it back. The few seconds at 2:13 AM that I took to type these words could have been used for something else, and I know I will never get them back. They are gone, only to be remembered by the words appearing on this screen. So my question is, if you are not doing something you love, and something you are passionate about, then why are you wasting your time?
I believe time is the most underappreciated asset. Think about it. Every day you wake up with the opportunity and the ability to do whatever you want. Every day is an opportunity to touch the life of someone else, or to grow as a person. I feel like so often, I get caught up in trying to just get through the day. To get through the day to get to Friday. Or to get through class to get to the weekend. Or to get through the school year to get to summer. I have wasted so much precious time and opportunity by living this way, and have missed so many opportunities to do something important.
I once heard someone say that the way we live on forever, is through our interactions with others. If you take one moment to compliment someone, to say hello, to lend a hand, to engage in conversation, or even just smile, you may have affected someones life. And that is something that lives on forever. By doing this, you can change a person, and this change will be carried with them for the rest of their lives allowing a part of you to live on. I want to help more people, and I think an initiative needs to be taken that with each passing day, you take a moment to meaningfully engage another person in a positive manner. It is something as easy as a smile. A hello.
I want to leave a lasting legacy. I want people to remember me for not only how I treat them, but how I make them feel. I want to live on forever. I want to make a difference in the wold, one positive moment at a time. From this point onward, I pledge to never live to get through the day. I pledge to live with passion, exuberance, and happiness.
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